Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Where should I go?

So I'm getting together a list of cities that I want to visit during my time to Germany.  Some will be weekend trips, while some will be during my two month semester break in the spring. What do you suggest and why?

The non-German cities that I want to explore during my semester break are Paris, Rome, Venice, Vienna, and maybe Prague. I hope to spend a week and a half or so at the first two, and less than a week each at the others.

I'll be staying in Berlin for 5 weeks and Frankfurt for the school year, so I'm not going to include those on my German cities list. So other than those, here are the German cities that I want to visit: 
Dresden (Frauenkirche)
Auernheim (where the Woelmers came from)
Reichwalde (where the Kokels came from)
Klitten (the church were Johann Kilian preached)


  1. After doing just a little research on Wöllmer in, I found almost all early records (1800s) in Schwerin and Lubeck (near Hamburg). It'd be interesting to find the actual history.

  2. You'll definitely want to go to Leipzig, especially the Thomaskirche where Bach is buried. All the Lutherland sites go without saying. The Cathedral in Aachen is a must, along with the Schatzkammer. There you can venerate all the relics of Charlemagne's treasury to your heart's content!
